

To apply for a regular or probationary membership at the Hellenic Film Academy, you need:

  • To carefully read the HFA corporate charter, listing all relevant Rules & Regulations.
  • To be recommended by two regular HFA members, who will endorse your application.
  • To fill out the application and return it to info@hellenicfilmacademy.gr, stating your acceptance of the HFA Rules & Regulations concerning the National Film Awards.
  • To accompany your application with a CV listing your filmography.
  • Once your application is reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors, you will be asked to pay the registration and the current annual subscription fees, whose amount is determined by the administration.

Registration fee: 20 €
Annual subscription fee: 50 €

Once the above process is completed, you will gain membership to the Hellenic Film Academy, with all the rights and obligations arising from it.